Volodymyr Ropetskyy belongs to the generation of artists
that entered the art culture in the early 80s of the 20th century
at tough and contradictory time. It was at that time
that he joined the art process of Lviv with confidence,
having offered his own aesthetic vision and language
of images and plastic art.
The range of his creative interests is impressively wide,
covering the graphics, painting and sculpture.
However, it’s no coincidence that the artist chose sculpture
as his priority – complex and multifaceted
art that unveils the opportunities for a creative personality
of self-expression with regard to aesthetic and
form making properties and at the same time requires
enormous efforts, commitment and zeal.
Ukraine, Lviv
e-mail: vropetskyy@gmail.com
Tel.: +38 (067) 67 26 497

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